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elle peint à 100 ans et expose toujours


voici un bel exemple qui inspire.

l'artiste Carmen Herrera aura 101 ans en mai. elle peint toujours, elle est dans les grandes galeries aux états-unis, à londres, etc.

«I don’t have the heart to paint, I have the brain to paint.»

«She didn’t gain wide attention until she was in her 80s,»... ouais.

il faut lire ce bel article du new york times où elle explique son processus.

«She pointed to a desk by a long block of windows fronting the street, where she starts around 9:30 every morning. “That’s where I think of the composition — if I’m lucky,” she said.

Stage 1 is her sketch, which Ms. Herrera does in pencil on graph paper by the window, flanked by her potted orchids.

For Stage 2, she transfers the idea to a small piece of vellum, and, using acrylic paint markers, does the sketch in color. Sometimes what follows is a larger version on paper, to see if the composition is working.»

plusieurs de ses tableaux, voir ici.

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