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50 points de vue sur le design


à parcourir ou à lire attentivement. iconeye magazine (britannique) a demandé à 50 designers, architectes, penseurs, en quoi croyaient-t-ils. ça donne 50 manifestes à voir ou à lire.
voici quelques lignes tirées de cette série.

de peter saville (manifeste #1)
The new cause
«I was part of a system that wanted to change the look of the everyday world. That ideal, manifest through consumerism, doesn’t sit well with me now. I am not wealthy and completely understand how we all have to pay our way.»

de paola antonelli (manifeste #42)
«I want to teach people to observe, enjoy, and have opinions about things, from shoes to buildings to interfaces, and voice them. I want people to be able to tell real design from expensive decorative art you can sit on; I want them to appreciate design the same way they appreciate food or a piece of music, instinctively first and rationally later. I also want people to form their own idea of design beauty and then demand it.»
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je déplore le trop peu de points de vue féminin (encore!) dans cette liste.

parcourez les autres sections du site, plusieurs choses intéressantes à voir.
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